Friday, September 7, 2012

Here it is, 11:00 p.m. on my day off, and I have been busier than I ever thought possible! How did that happen? How did a day that I dreaded turn out so wonderfully?

I slept late – what a treat! Then I hit the treadmill for an extra mile past two, I browsed the little bazaar where locals sell rugs, jewelry, carvings, shoes with toes that curve upward (see “Aladdin”), and backpacks. Lunch was next, and just as I had finished, the spandex soldiers, now in their uniforms, were cooking outdoors and asked me to join them. Too late!

I cleaned my little room, which took longer than you would think because of all the dust that had accumulated, wrote some essential e-mails, watched a part of Shakespeare in Love, wrote some more essential e-mails, finished a project for a client, went to dinner, and then worked on another writing project.

The day went quickly, and I find myself at the end of it wishing for more time!

I also was subjected to what seems to be usual around here – sporadic and serial loss of power, loss of internet service, and bad internet service when I was trying to Skype Max and my mother. This is just one more day and one more instance when I have to say that I will appreciate the finer things in life when I return home. I know that storms can wipe out power for weeks – think Hurricane Katrina, and even the lesser storms that hit earlier this year – but for the most part, when the power goes out, good old KCP&L is right on it, working until power is restored. And it simply does not happen very often. Today, I think the lights went out at least six times, and the internet was completely down twice and wobbly the rest of the time.

Regardless, I was able to get my work mostly done, and I feel really good about it. Tomorrow is another work day, even though it is Saturday!

I add a note thanking everyone who offers me encouragement and reads my blog. You have no idea how flattering it is to know that you care enough to find out what is going on over here. Let me tell you, I sweat the deadlines and critiques!

So tomorrow, I will have more to say, I’m sure. Until then.


  1. It took me awhile to get here, but I just spent the morning catching up on your travels and adventures! Thanks for the vivid, always interesting, and quite often amusing reports. I'll be waiting for the updates. Keep up the good work, and be careful!

    1. BTW--"moondoggie" translates as Wanda Monsees. I thought I had successfully switched names, but apparently I was wrong.

  2. I'm so proud of you for having the courage and wherewithal to go on this adventure! Take care of yourself (and the kitten). Also, Happy Early Birthday to my birthday twin!
