Sunday, June 12, 2011

New Moms

I went to a baby shower today for the daughter of a good friend. I was taken with the beautiful young women, all friends, who were new mothers and looking forward to a life of raising children with only the best of what life has to offer. These young women's families have been friends for years, and now they are grown, still close, and all having children around the same time, so THEIR families will continue the long-term, close relationships.

They were young and glowing, smiling, laughing at each other's jokes and stories, remembering past vacations and school stunts, generally reminding me of the women at the parties detailed in The Great Gatsby, where life seemed easy and carefree. I thought back to the days of my pregnancy and the days after a new life was placed in my arms, and I was envious of their confidence in knowing that their best days were ahead of them, that life would offer much and take little, and that they would go forward with more than a modicum of security in their lives and their families. I, too, was just like them at that time in my life, knowing that life would be good, would not disappoint me, would bring me everything I could hope or aspire to have.

And generally, I have been right. Now, 22 years later, I love my husband, my child, my home, the opportunities to beneficially use my gifts and talents in my work, my friends, and my family. My disappointment is that life has not been a party from The Great Gatsby, where everything is easy and carefree. I have been hurt, betrayed, friends have left, some have died, my family is much smaller, I have lost an election, I have gained weight. All in all, however, I am one of the lucky ones and am grateful for those days years ago when I, too, saw life as all possibility, and I am grateful that much of that possibility has come to fruition.

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