Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Little Foxes

This morning, Max came into our bedroom where I was slowly waking to yet another really hot day, and he asked me if I wanted to see something cute. I thought HE was being cute, but he told me to hurry and ran out of the room down the stairs. Bleary-eyed, I followed him into the sunroom, where he was standing looking out the back door, which is glass and is surrounded by more glass. He was watching two little foxes playing with each other! They were frolicking around, gamboling through our monkey grass, doing four-footed jumps onto each other, and rolling around in the back yard. We stood transfixed while they played hide-and-seek around the huge oak tree, peeped at each other through the now very-thick hosta plants and mock orange hedge, and ran back and forth from the monkey grass to the hedge. Max took some pictures with his phone, but we were too far away to capture a really good image.

Finally, one of them took off into the hedge and the other waited for him to come back. He stood very still, intently staring into the hedge, and while he was doing that, the vanished one sneaked up behind him. Before they met in the middle, I noticed some more movement in the hedge. The third little fox appeared! They chased each other around for a while and then rested in the now almost flattened monkey grass. And then, like all young children, they became bored and wandered away.

I think we will be getting up early tomorrow.

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