Saturday, July 16, 2011

Horrible Bosses

I loved this movie. Period. Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, and Charlie Day were absolutely hilarious in a raunchy comedy about how the working man can be subject to the most horrible bosses and humiliation imaginable. I can't really tell you what the movie was about other than how it is to work for someone who has power and is particularly cruel with that power. I have been fortunate in my working life to avoid, for the most part, those kinds of supervisors, but the one person I worked for who was just not very bright made my life miserable. In that way, I could empathize with the three main characters and how their lives were made miserable for at least 40 hours a week.

When I become stressed in a movie, anticipating the next surprise or the next move by a character, I have a tendency to get up, go to the back of the theatre and pace. I did that for most of "A Simple Plan." Today, I really wanted to pace, but the theatre design had no place for my pacing. Instead, I had to sit suffering through the suspense, wondering whether the characters' stupidity would turn out right or wrong. True to my usual feel for plot, I had that part figured out pretty early, but how to get to the end caused me heart palpitations!

The three guys were really well cast and played their parts well. I would love to have known how much of their "schtick" was ad lib, and how much was brilliantly written.

This is one movie I would like to see again to see what I missed while I was pacing in my mind. Maybe tomorrow! Anyway, for those of you who love buddy movies, and movies with interesting plots, and movies with so much stupid that you can't stand it, "Horrible Bosses" is for you.

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