Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year, New You. Ha.

I’m trying to get organized this year.  Why?  It’s never worked before!

I want to spend the next 365 days (well, 361 by now) focused on making some changes that might let me feel less stressed at the end of next year.  I would also like to practice the piano more than I usually do – which is not at all.  Before I went to Afghanistan in 2012, I played at least weekly as I accompanied the choir.  But after I got back from Afghanistan, I became the choir conductor as opposed to its accompanist.  I now find that I don’t just sit down and play very often.  I think I have to blame that stress component – knowing that I have lots to do makes playing the piano seem very frivolous.

Making lists should be first on the list of change-inducers; however, when I make those “to-do” lists, I get stressed because of the amount of stuff I have to do in any one day.  It makes me crazy.  What’s worse, as I get going on one of the items on my list, I find something else that should be done and get distracted, leaving my list and heading off into another direction. 

Feeling overwhelmed is not a good way to spend any day, and certainly is not a good way to spend every day.  The result of feeling overwhelmed is that very little gets done as I fret over the number of things left to do.

I want to be productive; more than that, I want to have a clean working environment.  Right now, as I write this, I look at piles of paper on my desk that have been there for so long that I can’t remember what is there at all. 

Perhaps I will have a better start tomorrow.  I certainly hope so!

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