Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Life Goes On

It seems as if the school year ended just recently, and yet, here we are, ready to begin another semester. Perhaps the hiatus seemed to evaporate because I taught two classes this summer, or perhaps life is just flashing by. Whatever the case, I feel as if I have barely enough time to breathe.

I think that the hiatus from school is necessary because classes are so intense. The beginning of the semester is stressful as to getting the students ready for learning and then involved in class. As the semester progresses, then, the coursework becomes more and more difficult, until the last part of the term, when the requirements are nothing short of grueling, and the work reaches some sort of fever pitch. Teaching writing or any other English class brings its own stresses, because as those multi-page papers must be assigned, they also must be graded. As the "degree of difficulty" increases, so does the time requred to grade each paper.

The rest of this week is my class lab: I will be posting assignments for my on line classes, I will be revising syllabi and other class informational documents, and I will be preparing my grade book. I would rather READ a book, but I will do what is required instead. Wish me luck as I face this semester with something less than fabulous enthusiasm, as I continue to wonder what life has in store, and as I struggle with trying to make my classes relevant to those who really want to learn.

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